Monday 25 October 2010

A common XNA error

One of the XNA errors that regularly manages to confuse me is the exception:
Service provider object of type <Insert your object here> must be assignable to service type System.RuntimeType.
Since a quick Google search for the exception provided few results I figured I post the cause and solution.
In XNA there is the game.ServiceProvider object that provides a neat service based way of storing you game services without tying them directly to business logic. The predominant way of calling this method is:

this.Services.AddService(typeof(<Iinterface>), <Object>);

The exception occurs when your <Object> does not implement the provided <Iinterface> interface. Really simple and trivial to fix. Unfortunately forgetting to implement a particular interface seems to be something I regularly when I am developing a piece of functionality in small chunks of time. Just unfortunate that the error message is so unspecific.
Hope this helps


  1. Thanks this helped me out.

  2. This helped me out as well, thank you for being straight-to-the-point.
